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Showing posts from June, 2018

Hotel Management Courses in Delhi

                                     KNOW YOUR EXECUTIVE HOUSEKEEPER When the executive housekeeping department starts up it consists only of one employee in a new property ------ the executive housekeeper. The position of the executive housekeeper ’s within the organizations should be well defined & cleared. Executive housekeepers are the head of the department, but many do reach the corporate level as a corporate executive housekeeper. It should be made known to whether he/she has to report to the room division manager or residence manager or the general manager. Nowadays all Hotel management courses in Delhi offers different types of housekeeping supervisory courses which lead them to become a future housekeeper among all college which offers such courses The Hotel School offers best hotel management courses to sharpen the skill of future housekeepers. Executive housekeeper coo...

Hotel Management College in Delhi

                    MOTIVATION IN HOTEL INDUSTRY One of the famous saying says “your people may have all the expertise in the world but, if they're not motivated, it's unlikely that they'll achieve their true potential”. So motivation is the key to the success of a person and on this mantra the best  hotel management college in Delhi  works, among them “The Hotel School” is the hotel management college which works on the students by motivating them in their specialized area through carry out regular activities. Hotel industry is a vast sector and it needs those people who are well trained and expertise in their areas, as they have to attend different people from different country at different point of time and to prepare the students the best hotel management colleges in Delhi try to make a student as artistic as they can in their streams so that in jobs they will not face any problem. It requires motivated people a...

Hotel Management Institutes in Delhi

                       RIGHT AMBIENCE RIGHT WORK Ambience has become a pivotal concern for tourism and hospitality industry worldwide. Delhi being one of the most professional Metropolitan city, it is very important concern for Hotel Management Institutes in Delhi to provide and teach about the right ambience to the students. Among the various hotel schools “The Hotel School provides the right environment to the student for their growth in future. In an effort to improve the ambience, different lecturers of different subjects teach the methods of putting all things at proper as, in particular hospitality managers and outside experts, e.g. designers and architects do the things. Despite the wide management interest, there is an apparent lack of empirical research that addresses ambience which the best hotel management institutes in Delhi do and it plays an interesting role in hospitality settings. The lecturers attempt ...

Hotel Management Courses in Delhi

Depending upon the purpose of the area & surfaces to be cleaned,various types of cleaning are introduced.Every organization follows different sop for cleaning surfaces,once the standard has been decided one should strictly follow the guidelines as cleaningcan create an image of an organization.Now a day all most all Hotel Management Courses in Delhi include cleaning science chapter in their syllabus as it is very important topic for a new comer housekeeper when he joins the department.Standard cleaning required efficient employee, training & efficient supervision.There may be different standards of cleaning for different surface & areas which are given below: Physically Clean When this standard is set,the area or surface is supposed to be free from loose dust & dirt,as when wiped by hand. Chemically Clean This standard means that the area should be free from any harmful chemical which can harm surface as well as health of employees. Terminally Clean Thi...